
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The letter 'z'

Where I'm from, people say 'zee'.

My Canadian husband and his family say 'zed'.

The first time I heard him say it I looked at him waiting for him to laugh or say something in a funny accent to finish his joke... it's not unusual for him to say something a little silly or quote some movie that I've never heard of, but it turned out he was being totally serious.

Now when he says 'zed' for 'zee' he always finishes it off with a nasal 'orrrr as you Amerrricans like to say, zeeeee'

Today, I tried to get my almost 2 year old son to say 'zip'. As in- 'zip up your jacket' and he thought the 'z' sound was hilarious! The first time he tried to say 'zzzz' he just stuck his tongue out and blew a raspberry,and that was it. It was over after the first try.

I had to catch some of it on video:

Now I have to explain, he was pretty upset at first that I wouldn't give him the camera, but his mood changes pretty quickly.After that it's me saying 'zzzz' and him blowing raspberries and laughing hysterically.

I think he was just way too tired and delirious at this point to concentrate on a new sound.

Sidenote: Dontcha just love our 1967 kitchen?? We're considering some peel and stick vinyl tile and painting the cabinets white. Maybe eventually we can replace the countertop and do a nice glass tile backsplash.

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